TL;DR, or Why This is A Thing

Everything is more fun with Lord of the Rings on the brain!

No seriously. It is. That’s what’s happening. Lord of the Rings since the ass crack of dawn. Enya is all over my Pandora right now. No fucks given. Probably why I’ve finally started putting this little project together.

The Tome of Awesome started out as an idea I had to keep a physical journal and stuff it full of pictures and writing from all the places I’d go. Didn’t work out that way. Turns out polaroids (or their knockoff modern equivalents) are thick little bastards and don’t fit very well inside a journal when gathered in large numbers. And you know, being the geek in the back of the room who spends most of her time reading fantasy and drawing made-up maps, you can bet your ass the Tome of Awesome was quest focused rather than travel focused.

And even then, travel isn’t the right word really. Let’s call it exploration instead. Truth is, most of my adventures happen pretty close to home, but it’s all good practice when the goal is a pilgrimage road in Japan or and eighty-mile trek through the highlands of Scotland. BIG DREAMS, people!

Here is where it starts: my boyfriend and I have decided to take on the Mission Trails Five Peak Challenge. I think calling them mountains is a bit of a stretch, but I don’t make the rules, I just walk the trails and take pictures of the summit signs. These mountains afford good views and the park they’re in is centrally located so it’s easy to get to. Since we probably won’t be getting to either the UK or Japan until sometime next year, it’s the best we’ve got right now (not really, but it’s the first quest we chose, anyway.).

Also, we are new to hiking! Surprise!

It’s the truth. Neither of us know shit-all about hiking. But it’s fun. And we like it. And we will learn all the shit-all we need with time and experience. My first piece of experience-based knowledge, which I impart to you here with much humbleness and rueful admitting to the dumbfuckery of inexperience: check the weather beforehand and do not wear shorts in eight inches of snow.

Sound advice, yes? Of course it is. You will hear this story later I assure you.

You are hereby officially welcomed to the new and improved online version of the Tome of Awesome. Mostly this will all be about outside stuff and doing outsidey-like things, but be warned I am a big geek who likes to share said geekderpery with others. Other things quite unrelated to adventures will also definitely be found here.

Thanks for showing up. You’re awesome. I love you.

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