
I wanted this to be a Bucket List type thing, but that turned into something monstrous that would have taken a million years to complete. So, I boiled it down to immediate and most-likely-to-happen things/things I MUST DO IN MY LIFE BEFORE I DIE.

  1. Visit England. I’m going to London this year, which is something I’ve always wanted to do. We have no solid itinerary aside from a wedding and visiting Stonehenge, but it’s happening this year and I cannot even!
  2. Travel Japan. I think I’ll have lots of  chances to do this, since the Boyfriend’s family all lives over there (minus the one sister in England). Japan is my dream country. The place I’ve always wanted to go since I was a little girl.
  3. Learn more about San Diego County. I read on lots of travel sites that the best way to learn how to write for travel is to start in your own town. San Diego County is a pretty neat place, honestly, so I’m taking this advice.
  4. Get that Pilot’s License. Another life long dream, I have always wanted to be a pilot. It’s really expensive and I’m having trouble figuring out how to manage it along with all the other things I want to do, but I need to make it happen. Even if I don’t get paid for it (but I want to), I need to get my pilot’s license.